A delegation of 55 participants of 102nd National Management Course and Faculty Members of NSPP, Lahore visited FBR today on 14th April, 2015 on their Inland Study Tour. The visit was part of the National Management Course aiming at the capacity building of Senior Civil Officers from various occupational groups.

The participants of 102nd National Management Course were briefed on FBR’s functions as a revenue collecting authority. Mr. Tariq Bajwa, Chairman FBR welcomed the participants and expressed government’s policies and initiatives for enhancing the revenue collection and to encourage voluntary compliance towards payment of taxes.
Mr. Shahid Hussain Asad, Member Inland Revenue-Policy delivered a comprehensive presentation to the participants on “Introduction of FBR, Functions of Inland Revenue Policy and Operations & Future Strategic Vision”, followed by Mr. Nisar Khan, Member Customs’ presentation, who enlightened the participants on “Customs functions”. Afterwards an interactive Q&A session was held and various questions of the participants were answered by the Chairman, FBR and Senior Members of the Board.
Mr. Muhammad Ismail Qureshi, Rector NSPP, Lahore thanked the Chairman, FBR for hosting and giving the participants an opportunity to get to know important functions of FBR including revenue collection for the government. Shields were exchanged between the Chairman, FBR and Rector, NSPP, Lahore at the conclusion of the function.