Outgoing Advisor to PM on Finance visits FBR House
Outgoing Advisor to PM on Finance visits FBR House

Outgoing Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Planning & Development, Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhary paid a farewell visit to FBR House on Friday 31st May 2013. During the visit he met Chairman and top management of FBR.
Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhary thanked the Chairman FBR and his team for their support in his assignment in the caretaker setup. He said that, despite all the challenges, FBR is working hard to meet its organizational objectives for which it deserves appreciation. He also stressed upon the need of continuing the hard work as the financial year is about to complete.
Chairman FBR Mr. Ansar Javed thanked the outgoing Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics and Planning & Development for his able guidance extended to FBR for revenue generation and mobilization. He said that FBR would continue to strive hard to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted by the government upon the Board.