A dignified ceremony was held at Land Freight Unit, Wahga, Lahore on 26th January, 2023 to celebrate International Customs Day. Mr. Tariq Mahmood Pasha, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Revenue graced the occasion as the Chief Guest which was also attended by Dr. Zulfikar Ali Chaudary, Chief Collector (Enforcement-Punjab), Mrs. Rabab Sikandar, Chief Collector (Appraisement-Punjab), officers of Pakistan Customs and law enforcement agencies, businessmen and media representatives. World Customs Organization (WCO) has selected the slogan “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting the Culture of Knowledge Sharing and Professional Pride in Customs” as this year’s theme.
The ceremony commenced with Guard of Honor presented to the Chief Guest by an impressive contingent of Pakistan Customs, followed by the Flag Hoisting ceremony.
The Chief Guest while addressing the participants congratulated the Customs fraternity for their contribution towards safeguarding the economic borders of Pakistan. He advocated that focused capacity building and technical assistance for the officers and officials of Pakistan Customs will further boost Customs ability to effectively achieve its targets. He stressed upon utilising modern technology for maximizing revenue collection and trade facilitation.
After the ceremony, the Chief Guest along-with the two Chief Collectors, participated in destruction of the confiscated contraband goods to express Pakistan Customs’ resolve against smuggling.