Latest FBR Releases
The proposals submitted by the “All Pakistan Tax Employees Association FBR” have been considered by the Federal Board of Revenue at length. The issues have also been discussed with the Central and Lahore Office Bearer of the “APTEA”, namely Mr. Aslam Pervaiz, Mr. Asghar Ali Waryah and Mr. Akbar Hussain and the following decisions have been taken:-
1. That the 100% special allowance frozen in the Finance Bill 2011 has been agitated throughout the year with the observation that the said allowance is a performance based allowance. In this regard a summery for de-freezing the said allowance has been submitted to the Prime Minister of Pakistan through Ministry of Finance along with allocation of fund of Rs. one billion. It has been confirmed that the Finance Secretary has approved the Summary of FBR and transmitted to the Prime Minister Secretariat. The approval is expected within few days. All the FBR officers/officials will be awarded the special allowance equal to 100% basic pay accordingly. It will be notified after receiving approval from the Office of the Prime Minister.
2. The issue of upgradation of Senior Auditors has also been resolved by issuing notification of up-gradation of senior auditors. The SRO 1126 dated 27-11-2010, clearly specifies a special promotion path of senior auditors which would remove all doubts of Grade 16- 17 IRS Officer’s that up-gradation of senior auditors will adversely affect their promotion prospects.
3. The promotion of Inland Revenue Officials from Grade 14-16 is also under active consideration of the Government and a notification to this effect is expected soon. Furthermore, the notification No.0883-IR-III-2012, dated 14-04-2012 appearing on FBR Website is self explanatory.
4. The Board has decided to upgrade all Class IV employees of FBR in line with the policy of the Establishment division. The notification is being issued shortly.
5. The Board has further decided to address all the long standing issues raised by the “All Pakistan Tax Employees Association FBR” through representation. All the employees of FBR are directed to devote untiring efforts to achieve the budgetary targets Rs1952 (billions).
6. The Board assured that their services will be recognized subject to their hard work in achieving the assigned targets.
7. The employees have assured the Board that they will assume office work immediately and will ensure that the assigned target of Rs. 1952 billion is achieved, even if they have to work extra hours and even on Holidays.