Latest FBR Releases
Pakistan Customs and the World Bank implemented a technical assistance program for October 2017 to May 2019. The main objective of the program was to support Pakistan Customs to promote voluntary compliance and facilitate trade. Within the program two analytical papers: i) a trader’s perception survey ii) customs data analytics were prepared and presented to officers of Pakistan Customs today in a Workshop held in World Bank Office, Islamabad.
The Surveys’ main objective is to understand better the perceptions of the trading community on the services provided by Pakistan Customs. The Data Analytics objective is to measure the valuation price gaps using a standard methodology comparing trade data from COMTRADE and WeBOC.
Dr. Jawwad Uwais Agha, Member Customs (Operations), in his opening remarks, appreciated the World Bank’s efforts and considered the reports to be very informative and useful for future improvements in Customs procedures and working.